1-1 Therapy
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“It is difficult to find happiness inside us, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else” – Arthur Schopenhauer
“I am not what happened to me. I am whatever I chose to be.” – Carl Jung
What is Therapy or Psychotherapy?
In an ever-changing world, full of challenges, complicated or even scary, there is that time when we need to change or introspect. When we feel that we cannot take it anymore, that we will collapse or even feel helpless to face what is coming or what is already here. When we face a great change in our life, such as the arrival of a child, or when we feel the need to learn more and deeper about ourselves, then it’s high time to start our healing journey.
If we could answer in one sentence the question “what is psychotherapy”, we would say that it is the relationship that develops between the therapist and the client, which is so unique as none of any other relationships you have until now. It is characterized by deep, mutual trust and great support, but it does not lack any clear boundaries. To conclude, through this unique relationship, the client is exploring the path that connects the heart with the mind, expressing feelings and thoughts, is learning how to take care of himself/herself/itself, how to have the relationships he/she/it desires and is answering some core existential- or not- questions, having always the therapist by his/her/its side, as a guide and supporter through this journey.
Psychotherapy is not just a friendly conversation. It uses communication between therapist and client as a means of conduct. However, in no case, this communication can be replaced by a conversation with a friend, a colleague or even a partner or relative. The therapist is a neutral link in the chain of our contacts, who is trained to guide us where we choose to go.
How do I choose which approach suits me the best?
There are more than 50 types of therapeutic approaches, and this number is constatly growing. Most therapists use a multidimensional model of approaches that is completely focused on the needs of each client. Each approach provides useful tools to the therapist to support and relieve the client, but in no case, the whole therapeutic procedure does not rely on the approach itself. Remember that the ability to create a therapeutic relationship, is based on the therapist and the patient, regardless of the therapist’s approach or the characteristics (occupation, origin, gender, age) of the patient.
To conclude with, you do not need to take into consideration the approach of your therapist itself, but, on the other hand you need to focus on the relationship you will establish with him / her, unless the specialist advises you to ask for a particular approach which may be more helpful. Be aware that you should not hesitate to ask for information about your therapist’s method when you feel you need it.